Información Personal

Nombre: María Pereda García
Centro UPM: ETSI Industriales Unidad: Organización de la Producción
Imagen de mpereda



Dr. María Pereda is a complex systems researcher working as a lecturer at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Her research focuses on understanding human behaviour by means of models and experiments, as well as the application of machine learning techniques to uncover patterns from digital traces. Her interests are studying complex systems and emergent phenomena. The main methods in her research are agent based modelling, behavioural economics experimentation, machine learning, network theory, and game theory.

Selected publications:

  • Tamarit, Pereda, Cuesta (2020). Hierarchical clustering of bipartite data sets based on the statistical significance of coincidences. Physical Review E, 102, pp. 042304.
  • Pereda, Tamarit, Antonioni, Cuesta, Hernández, Sánchez (2019). Large scale and information effects on cooperation in public good games. Scientific Reports, 9(1), pp. 15023. 
  • Pereda, Capraro, Sánchez (2019). Group size effects and critical mass in public goods games. Scientific Reports, 9(1), pp. 5503. 
  • Pereda, Estrada (2019). Visualization and machine learning analysis of complex networks in hyperspherical space. Pattern Recognition, 86, pp. 320–331.
  • Pereda, Brañas-Garza, Rodríguez-Lara, Sánchez (2017). The emergence of altruism as a social norm. Scientific Reports, 7(1), pp. 9684. 


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