Centro UPM: ETS Ingenieros Informáticos Unidad: Ing. de Organización
Short Bio:
Raúl G. Sanchis (Ph.D in Economics, with honours, at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, M.Phil in Environmental and Development Economics at University of Oslo) is an Associate Professor in Economics at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, in the Department of Organization Engineering, Business Administration and Statistics - which belongs to the School of Industrial Engineering. He teaches in the Double Degree in Computer Engineering and Business in the School of Computer Engineering, and in the EIT Digital Master School -both located in the Campus Montegancedo.
His main research interests are related to time allocation models in economics -and associated applications-, together with behavioral economics -in particular choice overload phenomena; both fields are central part of his current research, actively developing since 2013. He has been a Visiting Scholar in the University of Cambridge (2011 and 2017), a Visiting Professor in Department of Economics of the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (2013-2015, after being awarded with the UC3M Postdoctoral Research Fellowship), he is an Associate Researcher at ICEI in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (since 2009), and a Fellow of the RCC at Harvard (since 2013, after a PostDoctoral research stay in Spring-Summer 2013). He is also a member of the executive committee in the British Hispanic Foundation, after being awarded by the ‘Queen Victoria Eugenia Chair’ of Doctoral Studies UCM in 2010.
Web UPM: http://econ.etsiinf.upm.es/people/raulgsanchis/ (Full CV and Publications, social media profiles, ...)
Research Group UPM: http://dia.fi.upm.es/dasg/