Información Personal

Nombre: Elcio Mendonça Tachizawa
Centro UPM: ETSI Diseño Industrial Unidad: Ing. de Organización
Imagen de emendonça

Elcio Mendonça Tachizawa is an Associate Professor at the Polytechnic University of Madrid. His lines of research focus on the interface between supply chain management and sustainability. Currently, he investigates the effects of digitalization on the sustainability and transparency of supply chains, in its various forms (blockchain, Internet of Things, Smart contracts, AI, etc). He also investigates new teaching methodologies, both face-to-face and online, having published several articles on the subject. He was a research fellow at the Center for Operations and Supply Chain Research (COSCR) at the University of Leeds, where he did a research stay in 2013.

In 2022, he has received the “Nigel Slack” Teaching Innovation Award from the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA), for the paper “Microcase studies in Operations Management teaching”. In 2016, his article "How 'smart cities' will change supply chain management", published in Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, has received the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence in the category “Outstanding paper” (2016). In addition, his article "Green supply management approaches: Drivers and performance implications", published in the International Journal of Operations & Production Management, has been recognized as a "Highly commended paper" in the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence in the same year.




• Montes-Sancho, M. J., Tachizawa, E. M., Blome, C. (2022), “Financial and market impacts of buyer-supplier sustainability asymmetries: Empirical evidence from sensitive industries”, Journal of Cleaner Production, Vol. 370, No. 10, pp. 1-12 (JCR Impact factor: 11.072).

• Jesús-Saenz, M.J., Knoppen, D., Tachizawa, E.M. (2018), “Building manufacturing flexibility with strategic suppliers and contingent effect of product dynamism on customer satisfaction”, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (JCR impact factor: 3.47, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 238-246 (JCR impact factor: 3.667).

• Álvarez-Gil, M. J., Montes-Sancho, M. J., Tachizawa, E. M. (2017), “A first approximation to the SPOCs-FC in the context of the Supply Chain Management”, Working Papers on Operations Management, 8, pp. 151-163.

• Tachizawa, E.M., Wong, C.Y. (2015), “The performance of green supply chain management governance mechanisms: A supply network and complexity perspective”, Journal of Supply Chain Management, Vol. 51 No. 3. (JCR impact factor: 3.857)

• Tachizawa, EM, Gimenez, C., Sierra, V. (2015), “Green supply management approaches: Drivers and performance implications”, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol. 35 No. 11. (JCR impact factor: 1,736), Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence (2016) - “Highly commended paper”.

• Tachizawa, E.M., Alvarez-Gil, M.J., Montes-Sancho, M.J. (2015), “How smart cities will change supply chain management”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 25 No. 3. (JCR impact factor: 2.916), Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence (2016) - “Outstanding paper ".

• Tachizawa, E.M., Wong, C.Y. (2014), “Towards a theory of multi-tier sustainable supply chains”, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Vol. 19 No. 5/6, pp. 643-663. (JCR impact factor: 2.916)




• 2021-2024: “Use of robust deep learning methods for the automatic quality assessment of steel products”. Financing entity: European Union.

• 2019-2022: “Industrial Engineering and Management of European Higher Education”. Financing entity: European Union.

• 2016-2019: “Corporate responses to climate change: studies on carbon management practices and their contribution to the circular economy”. Financing Entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

• 2014-2016: “Supply chain management and smart cities: a strategic-operational approach”. Research project 2014/00457/001. Financing entity: Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness.

• 2011-2013: "Management of supply chains, models of diffusion of sustainable innovation and social capacities of directors of environmental operations". Research project 2011/00033/001. Funding entity: Ministry of Science and Innovation.
