Información Personal

Nombre: Carlos Mataix Aldeanueva
Centro UPM: ETSI Industriales Unidad: Organización de la Producción
Imagen de cmataix


  • Carlos Mataix is Associate Professor in Industrial Engineering and Management Science at the "Universidad Politécnica de Madrid". UPM is the largest technical university in Spain, where he is involved in research management and teaching.
  • He is Director of the “Innovation Centre of Technologies for Human Development” of UPM (itdUPM), an interdisciplinary network organisation where different Research Groups specialized in complementary subjects (such as water and sanitation, energy, agro-industries, information technologies, entrepreneurship) work together in research and training programs.
  • Carlos is an Industrial Engineer and obtained his PhD in Industrial Management and Logistics in 1992. In 1995 he became Associate Professor.
  • Between 1994 and 2004 his main research work focused on railway transport logistics, having participated in diverse European Projects of different Framework Programs related with the revitalization and sustainability of rail transport in Europe.
  • Carlos is best known for his work in the world of international cooperation for development. He was co-founder and president of the "Spanish Association of Engineers without Borders", (now called ONGAWA) and was named vice-president of the "Spanish Platform of NGOs for Development". In 2008 he was appointed as Director Assistant of the "Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development" (AECID) that belongs to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. There, he launched the "Planning and Quality of Aid Unit".  In 2010 he returned to the University, and was named "expert" of the "Spanish Council of International Cooperation for Development" (he currently belongs to this institution).    
  • In 2008 he participated in the launching of the “Sustainable Organizations Research Group” of UPM. This is a group specialized in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) that collaborates with public and private organizations. He is responsible for the research line on "Business for Development". 
  • Carlos is the author of numerous publications (books and research papers) for development practitioners in Spain and Latin-American countries. He is frequently invited as speaker to conferences and events related with cooperation and human development. He has also published several articles in research journals such as Transport Research, Quality Management and Project Management. He belongs to the scientific committee of several international conferences and to the editorial board of several journals, and has supervised six doctoral PhD, some of which have obtained different awards, and a high number of postgraduate students final works. 
  • He has been lecturing, since 1992, courses in operations research, production management, and decision theory, at both the undergraduate (engineering students) and posgraduate level (master and PhD programs). He is one of the coordinators of the master in Technologies for Human Development at the UPM, where imparts the courses “Networks and Partnerships for development” and “Structure of the International Development System”.
  • Between 2003 and 2008 he was named Subdirector of the Technical School of Industrial Engineering of UPM.
  • Carlos has been visiting professor in different universities in Norway (Norwegian University of Science and Technology), Brasil (Universidad de Santa Catarina), Cuba (Universidad Politécnica José Antonio Echevarría) and México (Universiad Veracruzana), and has participated in a number of international programs in Tanzania, Ethiopia, Peru and Nicaragua.

Some recent publications

Scientific papers                       














Chapters of Books







Examples of Some Projects (in which I´m currently involved)

  •  Innovation in accessing basic services: 5 case studies. This project explores key lessons from five innovative models in Latin America that aim to increase and improve sustainable access for poor and low-income communities to basic services such as water and sanitation, electricity, health and education. The aim is to share how these models work with a view to providing lessons and pointers for their replication and scale-up. The models have been researched on behalf of the Multilateral Investment Fund at the Inter-American Development Bank by the Centre for Innovation and Technology for Development at the Technical University of Madrid, in collaboration with Building Partnerships for Development in Water and Sanitation, ONGAWA and the Enlace Hispanoamericano de Salud.  


  • Public Private Partnership in Humanitarian Action. This project has been launched by itdUPM with the financial support of the Humanitarian Action Office of the Spanish Agency of International Development (AECID). It aims to explore the mechanism that enables the creation of PPP -in areas such as water, energy supply or IT- that could improve the capabilities of NGO and specialised Agencies.


  • Compromiso y Desarrollo (C+D)” is a program managed by the Spanish NGO “ONGAWA” and funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose aim is to promote the participation of responsible business in development actions. itdUPM is one of the partners of this program, been in charge of research activities, and collaborating in the innovations for development subprogram (B4D)       


  • “Sustainabilty in the post-2015 Agenda” is a multidisciplinary study that will be published at the end of 2013; included in a contract with the Spanish Secretariat of International Development of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, whose aim is to deliver a set of policy papers to inspire the Government position in the negotiations of post-2015 agenda.
